
April 16, 2012

Former NAFCU Chair Dave Miller passes away

April 16, 2012 – Dave Miller, formerly CEO of Kalamazoo District Bell FCU and a past chair of NAFCU who was involved in the formation of the Credit Union Campaign for Consumer Choice, passed away April 11.

Miller served on NAFCU's board for three consecutive terms that ended in July 1997. He was an outspoken advocate for credit unions' cooperative, member-oriented approach to providing consumer financial services. He spent good deal of time in Washington during the credit union campaign, which was launched by the industry in response to a 1996 federal appeals court ruling won by banks to deny federal credit unions the ability to serve multiple employer groups. The case went to the Supreme Court, which upheld that ruling and led to a push for legislation to preserve multiple-group fields of membership.

The campaign culminated in passage of H.R. 1151, the Credit Union Membership Access Act, which, among other things, codified the authority for employment-based credit unions to serve more than one sponsor group.

Miller was 72. He is survived by his wife Nancy, three sons and many friends and relatives.