
January 29, 2013

Unlimited webcast subscription offer ends soon

NAFCU's offer of discounted pricing for its 2013 webcasts, including the eight just added to the schedule to address CFPB mortgage reform, ends tomorrow.

The first webcast in the CFPB mortgage reform series is set for Feb. 13. Titled The CFPB's Final Mortgage Regulations, the two-hour program features NAFCU Director of Compliance Steve Van Beek with an overview ofthe seven new mortgage rules, including requirements and exemptions. The program will explain how the new regulations affect credit unions' mortgage loan products.

Future CFPB Mortgage Reform Webcast Series webcasts are slated as follows:

  • CFPB Ability to Repay/Qualified Mortgages, March 6
  • CFPB Compliance Update by NAFCU's Compliance Team, March 27
  • What new requirements apply to HELOCs?, April 10
  • Mortgage Periodic Statements. April 17
  • Consumer Information Request & Error Resolution Procedures, May 15
  • Mortgage Loan Origination, Aug. 21
  • CFPB Compliance Update by NAFCU's Compliance Team, Nov. 6.

The subscription is available to members and nonmembers, though members receive a discount. Small-credit union pricing is also offered. Read more about this year's unlimited webcast subscription.