
November 21, 2014

Matz to push RBC proposal for January, 90-day comment period

NCUA Board Chairman Debbie Matz announced Friday that she will ask the board to consider issuing a new, proposed risk-based capital rule during the Jan. 15 open meeting with a 90-day comment period attached.

NAFCU has strongly urged that credit unions have an opportunity to thoroughly review and submit comments to the agency on any changes made to the RBC proposal before it is issued in final form. NAFCU plans to closely scrutinize the revised RBC proposal for changes in several areas areas it has flagged as being particularly troublesome for credit unions.

Matz said NCUA has been carefully reviewing the comments received on the proposed rule over the past six months. "We've also considered the input received during three Listening Sessions across the U.S. this summer," she said in a statement. "We're getting closer to issuing the revised proposed rule, which I now anticipate will be presented in January 2015—one year since the original proposed rule.

"To provide the public ample time to review this important safety and soundness rulemaking, I intend to support a 90-day comment period."

Matz said that based on stakeholder comments, the amended proposal will include a longer implementation period and revised risk weights for mortgages, investments, member business loans, credit union service organizations and corporate credit unions, among other changes. Stakeholders will also be invited to comment on an alternative approach for addressing interest rate risk using the supervisory process.