
February 27, 2018

Friday last day to submit Annual Awards entries

NAFCU member credit unions have until Friday to submit their entries for the association's 2018 Annual Awards Competition, which recognizes association member credit unions, professionals and volunteers for their dedication and achievement within their institutions, communities and the industry.

Entries can be submitted for Credit Union of the Year, CEO of the Year, Professional of the Year and Volunteer of the Year in each of two asset-size categories: $250 million or less, and more than $250 million. Each award competition application must include information on the nominee's 2017 accomplishments.

The competition is open only to NAFCU members as part of their exclusive member benefits; participation is free. Winners will be selected by the NAFCU Awards Committee and honored during NAFCU's 51st Annual Conference and Solutions Expo in Seattle, Wash., June 19-22.

To learn more and enter the competition, visit here.