Berger Leadership Blog

Jul 16, 2021
Categories: Innovation Management

4 Ways To Help Your Team Succeed While Under Pressure

Berger BlogNone of us could have ever imagined that in our lifetimes we would have to isolate in order to prevent a health care pandemic from spreading. As the country continues to reopen, it is important for leaders to be mindful of how to help their teams succeed while employees encounter different challenges both personally and professionally.

Suzanne Ricard-Greenway discusses this topic in a recent column in Forbes. According to Suzanne, it is all about focusing on four strategies in ensuring your team can meet targets despite what might be going on around them. The strategies are:

  • Check in on your team. Make sure that you can get a pulse check on how your team is doing, where they might need help or guidance, and, most importantly, connect with them on a personal level.
  • Acknowledge simple truths. Have open lines of communications with your team, both in terms of your own struggles but also providing a space for your team to feel comfortable sharing what support they might need.
  • Trust breeds trust. We are all humans and can make mistakes. It is important for your team to know that you trust them to carry out their responsibilities. As Ernest Hemingway is often credited with saying, “The best way to find out if you can trust someone is to trust them.”
  • Slow down to speed up. You and your team need time to disconnect and recharge in order to more effectively get the job done.

Having open lines of communications with your team ensures that you can identify when an employee may reach the point of burnout and hurt productivity. An environment where you check in with your staff and have an open dialogue is a great way to ensure that each team member is set up for success and can focus on thriving in spite of outside pressure.