Compliance Blog

Dec 18, 2008
Categories: BSA Consumer Lending

CU HARP/SIP; BSA Reminder; NCUA Board Meeting

Posted by Anthony Demangone

On Tuesday, NCUA gave a webinar to cover details of the CU HARP and CU SIP programs. 

  • Here's a link that will take you to the webinar via a press release.  It also provides some details of the program.
  • Here's a link to NCUA's CLF page, which contains a TON of information on the programs.

  • Here's a NAFCU Today article that gives a good overview of the programs and the webinar.

Under the CU HARP program, the CLF will provide advances to credit unions so they can in turn invest in a CU HARP note, which is a two-year note backed by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund. The note will provide the CLF advance rate plus a bonus of up to 1 percent over that. For the bonus, credit unions must cut mortgage rates up to 2 percent for eligible homeowners. Awards will be announced on Dec. 29, and The CLF will begin funding the program on Jan. 2. A total of $2 billion is allocated for now.  Credit unions have until tomorrow to submit their subscriptions to corporate credit unions for the Credit Union HARP,


FinCEN reminds magnetic media filers that you have until the end of the year to transition to E-Filing.


For those who can't wait, you can log into to NCUA's website to see the draft items of today's NCUA board meeting.  You can usually find the items here.

Remember: NCUA is considering the following today:

  1. Final Rule – Parts 712 and 741 of NCUA Rules and Regulations, Credit Union Service Organizations.
  2. Final Rule – Part 706 of NCUA Rules and Regulations, Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices.
  3. Insurance Fund Report.