Compliance Blog

May 08, 2008

Regulatory Agendas for the Fed and HUD

We often get questions regarding when a given final regulation will be released.  This week, the Fed and HUD released their semi-annual regulatory agendas.  Both give the agency's estimation on when proposals may go final.  You can access the Fed's agenda here.  And HUD's here.

According to the agendas, HUD expects some movement on their RESPA proposal this October.  The Fed expects further action on its open end rule proposal this November, and the HOEPA proposal in July. 

Much like the first estimate for wedding expenses, these estimates should be taken with a grain of salt.

(We'll let you know when NCUA releases its agenda.)  On a related note, roughly 150 members of the U.S. Congress sent a letter to HUD on Tuesday urging the Agency to extend the comment period from 60 to 120 days.  You can access that letter here.