Compliance Blog

Nov 02, 2007

You Might be a Compliance Officer

We compliance officers are a funny bunch.  We have our own culture, jokes and pet peeves.  Well, the Compliance Guy penned this article that looks into our culture for The Federal Credit Union. (Member log-in needed.)

Here's a tib-bit from the article. 

• If you lose track of time while reading an interesting article on the Bank Secrecy Act, you might be a compliance officer. Yes, such things exist.
• If you managed to irk an entire marketing division within 15 minutes, you might be a compliance officer. Compliance officers sometimes have to say “no.” And when people call them at the last minute for advice and research, they sometimes say “no” at the last minute.
• If you know the Internet address of more than 10 regulatory agencies by memory, you might be a compliance officer. When Al Gore helped invent the Internet, I don’t think he realized how much he was helping compliance officers.
• If you ever judge the performance of a regulatory agency by how well it organizes the regulations and guidance section of its Web site, you might be a compliance officer. Back in 1999, I almost cried when OSHA redesigned its Web page. When the NCUA added the Google-driven search engine, I almost shed tears of joy. This is what my life has become.

Here's an older article on how the Bank Secrecy Act ruined my dating life.  (Member log-in needed.)
Here's another on how dating has helped my compliance research skills. (Member log-in needed.)

Have a great weekend, everyone.