Musings from the CU Suite

Sep 20, 2012

This Should Be Fun, Shouldn't It?

Written by Anthony Demangone

I loved exams in college and law school.  I loved the challenge.  The outlining.  The study groups.  The test exams.  It was intense, but it OK, I said it out loud.  I had fun studying for law exams.

No one was going to hurt you if did poorly.  It was simply a chance to learn as much as you could, and then measure yourself.

I wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer in school, so I think this strange quirk in my personality helped me fend off disaster.  Studying, for me, was not work.  The closer to the exam, the more I enjoyed the it. 

On the other hand, there's exercise. I am walking much more now.  My cholesterol and blood pressure are fine.  But no one would confuse me with a health guru.  Then I came across this article, from a great blog called Zen Habits. 

Its point was clear, and it is one I should have figured out.  If you want to stick with exercise, it has to be fun. 


"This is extremely important, and most people ignore it. If the habit is fun, you will stick with it longer. And even better, if you are enjoying it, you immediately win. You don’t need to wait for a bunch of pounds lost or other results — you get instant results because you’re enjoying the change. I find activities I enjoy, I join challenges or races to make exercise fun, I enjoy a conversation with a friend during a run, I eat healthy foods that are delicious (berries — yum!) and focus on savoring those foods. Focus on the enjoyment, and don’t make the habit change a big sacrifice."


This got me thinking about work.  We all know the line about how managing people is the toughest job you'll ever do.  I understand that point.  On some days, it is very tough.  But it can be fun, and it should be.  Working with people and solving problems should be enjoyable.  

So a few questions for you, loyal readers...

  1. Is managing fun for you?
  2. How do you promote "fun" in the workplace?  Should you?

Have a great weekend, guys!


And speaking of fun, here is a shot of Kate and Briggs unsuccessfully looking for dolphins on the Cape May ferry this week!
