| Greenville, SC

CFO Summit + CFO Forum

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Monday, September 16

  • 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
    Early Registration & Information Desk

Tuesday, September 17

Sessions begin at 8:30 a.m. and end at 4:10 p.m.
  • 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
    Registration & Information Desk
  • 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
    Networking Breakfast
  • Receive essential housekeeping tips from the conference's MC to navigate and make the most out of your conference experience.

  • This unique trivia-style icebreaker activity combines finance and entertainment to foster networking and lighthearted conversations among attendees. This team-based, friendly competition will feature financial- and local-themed questions, covering various topics from financial history to pop culture references.’

  • Gain a better understanding of market conditions and what may lay ahead and why. Join GraphsandLaugh's always-entertaining Bowtie Economist, Elliot Eisenberg, Ph.D., as he discusses all-new data points about the current and expected health of the economy. You'll learn the most recent statistics on a multitude of key topics such as the depth and breadth of the current state of GDP, auto and business lending, home loan activity, inflation, interest rates, liquidity, the health of labor markets and more.

  • Stay informed and compliant with the latest regulatory changes affecting credit unions. You'll discover NCUA's supervisory priorities, high-risk areas, and political/regulatory developments, including the 2024 presidential election, interest rates, litigation, collections, cybercrime and more.

  • This session explores the unique challenges and opportunities when transitioning from CFO to CEO, with a specific focus on managing interest rate risk in a dynamic economic environment. As CFOs move into the CEO role, they must broaden their perspective from a financial steward to a visionary leader, while retaining their deep expertise in risk management. This session will cover the critical shift in responsibilities and mindset required to succeed in the CEO position. We will dive into how to effectively oversee interest rate risk not just from a financial standpoint but as a strategic factor impacting the entire organization. Attendees will gain insights on balancing short-term financial performance with long-term business growth, leveraging their financial acumen while fostering innovation, and leading their company through periods of economic uncertainty.

  • In the ever-changing landscape of financial services, the role of the Chief Financial Officer continues to grow and evolve. Today, CFO responsibilities rarely stop at financial management, with many in the role assuming responsibility for other strategic and mission-driven areas of the credit union. From helping to lead core mission and purpose to finding ways to say “YES” to other strategic initiatives, these CFOs will share lessons learned and unique approaches to being strategic thinkers beyond accounting and finance.  

  • As financial fraud evolves, so must your defense strategies. You'll explore advanced fraud prevention techniques tailored for credit unions. Learn about the latest trends in fraudulent activities, how to identify potential threats early, and implement robust security measures to protect your institution and its members.

  • You'll unearth the latest developments in payment technologies, including mobile payments, contactless P2P, RTP and emerging digital currencies. Discover the opportunities presented by these advancements and learn how to deal with the most common challenges, such as the adoption process, regulatory considerations, data privacy and fraud. Investigate new ways to identify payments innovation that can drive value and provide ROI.

  • At the beginning of this year, the credit union loan-to-asset ratio reached 71.2%, the highest since 2019, reflecting tighter liquidity as the surplus funds-to-assets ratio fell to 24.6%, down from 26% the previous year, signaling a very tight liquidity position for many credit unions. In this session, you'll explore how to optimize cash reserves balance short-term and long-term needs, while ensuring regulatory compliance. You'll gain insights into real-time liquidity monitoring, conducting stress tests, and developing robust contingency plans.

  • Your conference MC will wrap the day up with the key takeaways from today's sessions, information about tonight's networking event, and a sneak peek at tomorrow's agenda. End the day feeling informed, connected, and excited for the experiences ahead!

  • Welcome Reception

Wednesday, September 18

Sessions begin at 8:30 a.m. and end at 3:40 p.m.
  • 7:30 a.m. -8:30 a.m.
    Networking Breakfast
  • Join your MC as he introduces a dynamic day ahead, featuring a dynamic lineup of expert panels, insightful sessions, and interactive experiences. Get ready for another day packed with valuable insights, engaging discussions, and enriching networking opportunities!

  • Join us for a discussion on positioning your balance sheet for 2025 and beyond. Years of a pandemic environment, an unprecedented 500 basis point rate hike, and major bank failures have all led to financial institutions hitting the reset button to reassess their balance sheet risks in the new normal. You'll hear about considerations for repositioning and resizing your balance sheet, executed transaction case studies, and how your ALCO/board can prepare today to take action. You'll also receive market updates to contextualize the ideas and help management teams prioritize things that add value to their franchise.

  • In today's dynamic financial landscape, credit unions are facing increasing pressures to adapt and thrive. You'll explore the evolving landscape of mergers, acquisitions, and partnerships, uncovering key trends, successful strategies and critical considerations for navigation.

  • This session will cover the key factors influencing loan pricing decisions, including market conditions, risk assessment, and member needs. Gain insights into developing pricing models that balance risk and reward while enhancing member satisfaction.

  • FinTech companies are reshaping the financial services landscape. Learn how to harness the power of FinTech innovations to enhance your credit union's offerings. This session will discuss successful collaboration strategies, potential risks, and how to integrate FinTech solutions to drive growth and efficiency.

  • Join us for an insightful session on leveraging data and analytics to optimize and grow your auto loan portfolio. Discover strategies to enhance profitability through data-driven decision making and predictive analytics.

  • Join an engaging, informal discussion with your peers on the top topics chosen by the audience. After the discussions, you’ll gain valuable insights as key takeaways from other tables are shared. This session is a unique opportunity to collaborate, learn, and deepen your understanding of current challenges and successes directly from your peers.

  • With so much regulatory pressure on overdraft/courtesy pay and interchange, there is a real possibility that credit unions' non-interest income will be tightened significantly. How are credit unions preparing for those potential changes and diversifying income streams? You'll explore innovative strategies and practical solutions to navigate the evolving regulatory landscape.

  • Receive an in-depth look at the strategies to integrate data analytics into your financial management practices in order to enhance financial perfromance, optimize operations, and better serve your members. Learn how to create a data-driven culture, implemen the necessary tools, and use it to drive financial performance.

  • Your conference MC will wrap the day up with the key takeaways from today's sessions, information about tonight's networking event, and a sneak peek at tomorrow's agenda. End the day feeling informed, connected, and excited for the experiences ahead!

  • Happy Hour

Thursday, September 19

Sessions begin at 8:30 a.m. and end at 11:10 a.m.
  • 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
    Networking Breakfast
  • Join your MC as she opens the final day of our event, setting the stage for a morning filled with insightful presentations that you won't want to miss, culminating in a memorable closing that celebrates our time together!

  • Adapting to and embracing change – igniting engagement, passion, ownership, and creativity is the preeminent competency you and your team must cultivate. Otherwise, you can be vulnerable to powerful forces that can displace your department and reinvent and disrupt your industry, including AI, white-collar robots, revolutionary software, expanded internet capabilities, and the commoditized economy (sea of sameness). Join this keynote session to be prepared to challenge the status quo and complacency and be fully prepared for industry disruptions.

  • With interest rates expected to remain high, credit unions need to adapt their deposit strategies. This session will provide insights into attracting and retaining deposits in a high-rate environment. Explore innovative product offerings, competitive pricing strategies, and member engagement techniques to ensure sustained growth.

  • In an era of constant change within the financial services industry, CFOs must ensure their boards are prepared to handle emerging challenges. You'll gain practical insights on how to effectively communicate complex financial data, educate your board on financial metrics and trends, and develop financial plans. Discover how to foster a collaborative and knowledgeable board, ensuring your credit union remains resilient and strategically aligned.

  • Your conference MC shares his closing thoughts and highlights from the event, celebrating the insights gained and connections made, setting the stage for future collaboration and growth.