Musings from the CU Suite

May 13, 2014

A chicken sandwich, and leadership

Written by Anthony Demangone

There's a wonderful fable about Southwest Airlines and their famous leader, Herb Kelleher. 

Someone from Southwest's research division came up with a wonderful addition to their in-flight service. A delicious chicken sandwich. 

They asked Herb to sign off on the addition.  But he asked them a simple question. How would the sandwich help Southwest meet its goal of being a low-cost airline that takes off and lands on time? 

No one had a good answer. So the chicken sandwich was scratched. 

When you have a clear vision and values, individual decisions are easier to make. 

Can this apply to leadership? 

Any day with John is a good one!
John and I enjoying a moment.

Last year, John Spence led students at NAFCU's Management and Leadership Institute through a wonderful exercise. At the end of it, the group collectively described the traits of leaders they wanted to follow. Leaders they wanted to be.

Here's what they came up with.  

  1. Honesty and Integrity
  2. Visionary
  3. Accountability
  4. Communication
  5. Execution
  6. Lifelong Learner
  7. Passion + Energy
  8. Empowerment

That's a great list. Here's a nice video John Spence did that discusses the list more. (Vimeo.)

But let's look at it this way...the next time you have a decision to make, look at that list. The next time you have to address your team, look at that list.

It should help guide you.  If a decision or stance conflicts with one of the things listed above, you should think twice.

