Musings from the CU Suite

Mar 21, 2013

The "Effort Gap"

Written by Anthony Demangone

A recent article caught my eye.  Specifically, two sets of numbers screamed at me from my screen.

  • 72 percent of employees, according to research, admit that they don't give their best effort.
  • 77 of their managers agreed.

The authors made an obvious point: If only we could address that issue, it would be akin to un-tapping a new resource within each organization. 

So, how does one accomplish that goal?  The authors set out a 2-step process.

  1. Step one is to simply demand excellence and top-effort as the standard.
  2. Step two (actually, a number of items) is using every weapon an organization has to support excellence.  Hiring the best.  Training, training, and more training.  Supplying the best "tools." Sharing the rewards of excellence. And acknowledging that demanding the best means we have to be flexible with work-life issues.

I encourage you to read the article. But there are a few questions:

  1. Are you getting the best effort from your team?
  2. If not, have you set "best effort" as the standard?
  3. And finally, is your credit union giving your team its best possible effort? 

The three very well may be connected more than we think.


I'll be the MC at this year's Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee Conference.  It takes place this May in beautiful Asheville, North Carolina.  If you have directors or supervisory committee members going, and you want me to meet them, just say the word. It would be my pleasure. I find this particular conference to be a true shot in the arm.  If anyone wants to see the credit union difference, have them drop by this conference. You won't find a better bunch of people, who want nothing more than to learn, break bread together, and find ways to better serve their memberships.
