Musings from the CU Suite

Nov 03, 2023

A New Day; This Week's Reading Pile

Written by Anthony Demangone, Powered by NAFCU

It’s a new day. As you’ve probably read, NAFCU and CUNA’s members voted to approve the proposed merger into America’s Credit Unions. As you might expect, all of us have mixed feelings. Proud of what we accomplished, but excited for opportunities that lie ahead.

The joke is on me. Because it is always a new day. We should always be proud of what we’ve done, and be excited to do our best for what comes next.

Sometimes we only see it when formal changes manifest themselves. But in reality, change is a constant. The only sane choice is to embrace it, dig in, and reach for the brass ring.

Now, enough of that! On to the reading pile.

  • The myth of the great Boomer wealth transfer. (BI)
  • Americans, especially wealthy ones, are still spending big. (WaPost)
  • A great way to get your employees to connect with customers. (Dijulius Group)
  • Chipotle’s labor costs area headed up due to California requirement. (WSJ) Here’s the rub. It only affects fast-food chains with more than 60 national locations. But the labor market doesn’t work like that. If Chipotle offers $20/HR, competitors will need to think about following suit.
  • Why you should stop trying to be happy at work. (HBR)
  • One city’s surprising tactic to reduce gun violence: Solving more nonfatal shootings. (The Marshall Project) Fascinating article. Denver historically used more resources to investigate homicides than mere non-fatal shootings. They flipped the script. A great example of re-framing the problem.

About the Author

Anthony Demangone, Executive Vice President and COO, NAFCU

Anthony Demangone, NCCO is Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at NAFCU, where he oversees day-to-day operations and manages the association's education, marketing, membership, human resources, building facilities, finance and information technology functions. He also authors NAFCU's executive blog, Musings from the CU Suite and co-authored "Managing and Leading Well," a book for credit union leaders, with NAFCU President and CEO Dan Berger.

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