
May 18, 2018

Credit unions to learn emotional intelligence leadership tips at NAFCU's Annual Conference

Steve Gutzler
Steve Gutzler

Credit unions that attend NAFCU's 51st Annual Conference and Solutions Expo will hear from leadership expert Steve Gutzler about how to use emotional intelligence to manage more effectively and operate at full potential.

Gutzler is a best-selling author and president of Leadership Quest LLC. During his closing keynote, which is sponsored by The Clearing House, attendees will

  • understand how to operate at full potential by tapping into feelings of confidence, optimism, resiliency and enthusiasm;

  • learn how to self-manage those moments when business interactions become challenging and the work more difficult;

  • recognize how to avoid exhaustion and stay healthy, because burnout is not a badge of honor;
  • discover stress-busting tactics for sustainable success; and

  • inspire others to manage their energy and emotion so they can perform at-peak potential.

Those interested in learning more about emotionally intelligent leadership can read Gutzler's Management Insight piece in the newest edition of The NAFCU Journal, in which Gutzler outlines the basic competencies of emotional intelligence and how leaders can implement them in relationships.

NAFCU's Annual Conference is the industry's premier strategic planning event for credit union executives and board members. Throughout the conference, credit union attendees will hear from more than 50 industry experts during more than 40 sessions (agenda available here). Each day is focused on a different angle of strategic planning, and the final day will help attendees put everything together to apply what they've learned.

Registration for this year's Annual Conference is still open here.

For up-to-date coverage of NAFCU's Annual Conference, follow #NAFCUAnnual on Twitter. All NAFCU's 2018 conferences are open to both member and nonmember credit unions.