
April 11, 2022

NAFCU, Inclusiv meet with NCUA Chairman Harper to discuss CDFI streamlined application phase-out

ncua NAFCU, Inclusiv, and an Inclusiv member credit union met with NCUA Chairman Todd Harper and other NCUA staff to discuss topics regarding the Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund. NAFCU President and CEO Dan Berger, Senior Vice President of Government Affairs Greg Mesack, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs Ann Kossachev, and Regulatory Affairs Counsel Aminah Moore ​attended the meeting along with Pablo DeFilippi, EVP of Inclusiv Network, Jules Epstein-Hebert, Director of Membership, and Chriselle Martinez, CDFI Programs Director.

The group discussed the NCUA’s announcement to phase out its CDFI streamlined application process. NAFCU on several occasions has urged the CDFI Fund to streamline their certification process and address the current application backlog as it has kept many applicants, including credit unions, waiting for months before they hear from the organization.

Previously, NAFCU has urged Congress and other agencies including the Treasury Department and the NCUA to work together to address the application backlog by enhancing transparency and communication on pending applications for credit unions seeking CDFI certification. Kossachev previously expressed concerns around the backlog and application process noting that a failure to be forthright can result in “applicants becoming disillusioned with the application process, and potential applicants becoming hesitant to enter a complicated and costly endeavor with an indefinite end date.”

At a previous meeting, NAFCU and Inclusiv met with the CDFI Fund and examined the process of CDFI decertification for institutions and how a ​three-year cure period was a more realistic timeframe for credit unions to make required changes to their loan portfolios without risking decertification.

NAFCU continues to work with the NCUA and CDFI Fund to help credit unions navigate the CDFI certification process.