
July 28, 2023

Senate passes NDAA free of NAFCU-opposed provisions

US Capitol buildingThe Senate Thursday passed its version of the fiscal year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) 86-11. The final bill did not include NAFCU-opposed provisions related to interchange or military base lease provisions.

NAFCU’s advocacy team and credit unions relentlessly fought to keep interchange legislation, S. 1838, from being attached as an amendment to the package. The association was also successful in keeping the provision from the House version of the NDAA.

In addition, NAFCU and credit unions urged lawmakers to oppose any changes to the NDAA that would allow banks to operate rent-free on military bases; both the Senate and House heeded the industry’s call.

While both chambers’ versions of the NDAA did not include these provisions, credit unions are encouraged to continue raising awareness of their consequences by contacting their lawmakers through NAFCU’s Grassroots Action Center.

The association will monitor congressional movement as the NDAA will move to a conference committee to hash out differences between their bills and will update credit unions via NAFCU Today.