Musings from the CU Suite

Apr 22, 2014

Number 13...

Editor's note. The web service (Typepad) that I use for this blog is dealing with a "denial of service" attack. The blog's website has been down, off and on, for the past four days. They are still dealing with the problem. I appreciate your patience!

Written by Anthony Demangone

last week, I shared you Bill Marriott's twelve rules for business success.  And I asked you for any rules that you'd add to the list.  Well, here is what you shared.  

13. Let those who do the job (or work with the people) be part of the change.

13. Be humble…shifting the attention (and praise) to your team members.

13. Always remember YOU are the credit union to the member.

13. Never press “send” in anger.

13. Get rid of the negative energy (and people) - positivity breads positivity! 

13. Don't ask your people to do something you are not willing to do yourself.

13.  Be assertive,but flexible. 

13. Strategize, strategize, strategize! (or plan, plan, plan!)

13. Always follow up and follow through.  (Do what you say you will do)

That's a pretty good list!  Thanks for sharing, everyone!


Every credit union shoudl have one of these.  If compliance risk is an issue, this may be the best money you can spend. OK, I'm a bit biased....