
Identity Verification and Fraud Solutions

Silver Partner

2022 NAFCU Services Innovation Award Winner

SentiLink stops identity fraud at the point of new account opening. Our solutions prevent synthetic fraud, identity theft, and other emerging fraud vectors at onboarding. Our complete KYC solution enables Compliance teams to meet and exceed CIP requirements.

Credit unions using SentiLink save money from lower fraud losses and approve more people faster. Up to 10% of chargeoffs are due to hard-to-detect synthetic identities, and more than 10% of new-to-credit and thin file applications can be approved with significantly less friction. Many clients report a dramatic reduction in manual review - by as much as 90%.

Our solutions work in real-time via API, and they are also accessible without any engineering or technical integration. Incoming credit union applications can be scored by uploading them in batch to our secure web-based Dashboard or sending via SFTP. Our solutions can be evaluated through a free retro study or live trial.

Products and Services

  • SentiLink’s ID Theft Scores leverage insights from the email, phone, IP address and behavioral patterns on the new account application to stop those using stolen identities.

    Hard-to-detect synthetic identities are flagged at onboarding with high precision in real-time with SentiLink Synthetic Fraud Scores. 

    Both ID Theft and Synthetic Fraud Scores range from 0 (low risk) to 999 (high risk) and are available via API and web app. They can also be evaluated with a free retro study or live trial.

  • eCBSV is a real-time validation of an applicant’s name, date of birth and SSN combination with the Social Security Administration. eCBSV can be used to satisfy regulatory requirements (e.g., replace SSA-89 for mortgage applications) or as step-up verification for applications with a high risk for synthetic fraud. 

  • Insights is a solution for Fraud and Risk teams that provides over 50 actionable risk insights across seven categories about an incoming application. The insights reflect the knowledge of SentiLink’s machine learning models and risk investigation teams, and can be used for catching more fraud, adjusting the user experience, and creating proprietary business logic that complements the scores. 

  • KYC is a complete solution for Compliance teams that are looking to meet and exceed CIP requirements. KYC provides matching information (exact, fuzzy, no match) and additional risk information for identity credentials collected - name, SSN, date of birth, address, phone, email and IP address. SentiLink also provides actionable recommendations (approve decline, or review) based on certain combinations of Insights and Identity Fraud Scores. 

  • OFAC and Watchlist checks can be bundled with any other SentiLink product or leveraged as a standalone product to satisfy BSA and CIP requirements.

  • Credit Unions can create a low friction sign up flow while managing fraud risk with ID Complete as it’s not necessary to request a full, 9 digit SSN, for example. It takes partial information (e.g. date of birth and/or SSN) and completes them based on other credentials collected so an identity can be accurately assessed for risk.

  • The Dashboard is an intelligent web-based interface that surfaces all the identity data related to a specific application; the data provided by the applicant as well as third party data associated with that identity. It’s a tool that brings together all identity data about a specific applicant for risk and fraud teams to efficiently research cases where they are considering requesting additional verification. Cases can be escalated from the Dashboard to SentiLink’s Risk Ops team for a second look.