
December 29, 2021

Compliance resources to strengthen your CU

ComplianceNAFCU’s award-winning Regulatory Compliance Team has several resources for credit union compliance professionals that are updated on a regular basis. Here is a roundup of the top resources available now:

Credit Union Compliance 101 e-manual: a complimentary, member-only resource providing links to useful resources such as guidance documents, and tips for excelling in key job functions related to compliance risk management, compliance research, and more.

Book of Answers: a complimentary, member-only resource categorizing nearly 1,000 past credit union regulatory compliance Q&As into 19 broad categories ranging from accounts to lending to the BSA. The document provides helpful links to federal laws, regulations, guidance, as well as additional resources.

Compliance Monitor: a member-only, bi-monthly e-newsletter designed to help credit union compliance officers manage their regulatory compliance responsibilities. The December 2021 issue is now available and reviews federal regulatory compliance rules and guidance finalized in 2021.

Compliance Blog: members of the NAFCU Regulatory Compliance Team keep credit unions informed of the latest regulatory updates through new blog posts every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

NAFCU member credit unions also have direct access to the Regulatory Compliance Team and the ability to ask a question with a guaranteed response received in one business day. In the last two years, the team has answered over 14,000 questions.

Access additional compliance resources, including a compliance calendar, numerous final regulation summaries and more on the NAFCU website.