
October 07, 2021

Reg Compliance Seminar ends with sessions on NCUA exam trends, elder abuse, more

ComplianceThe final day of NAFCU's Virtual Regulatory Compliance Seminar begins this morning with a discussion on NCUA exam trends, specifically common exam findings on Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) compliance and general consumer compliance and what might trigger a separate fair lending exam.

Other sessions and topics on the agenda today:

  • an interactive session utilizing the Conference App will run attendees through multiple scenarios related to suspicious activity reports (SARs);
  • elder abuse;
  • insights into handling members in bankruptcy; and
  • compliance considerations related to expanding field of membership (FOM) and mergers.

During the four-day event, compliance professionals had the opportunity to earn all continuing education units (CEU) needed for recertification of the NAFCU Certified Compliance Officer (NCCO) designation as well as the NAFCU Certified Bank Secrecy Officer (NCBSO) designation. View the full agenda here