
April 19, 2019

Last week to save $200 on Annual Conference

New Orleans

Credit unions have one week left to save $200 off registration for NAFCU's 52nd Annual Conference & Solutions Expo happening June 18-21 in New Orleans, La. Use the code ANNUALSAVINGS to save $200 off registration; the code expires at 11:59 p.m. Eastern April 26.

This year's conference is all about big trends and big takeaways to help credit unions take their institution to the next level. Sessions will cover a number of issues currently affecting credit unions, and therefore attendees are encouraged to bring their entire leadership teams. Here are a few of the hot-topic discussions:

  • strategies for growth;
  • marijuana banking;
  • current expected credit loss (CECL) standard;
  • litigation risk related to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Telephone Consumer Protection Act, overdraft and more;
  • cybersecurity threats; and
  • technology trends.

See the full agenda here.

Attendees also have the opportunity to attend specialized events, including the Defense Credit Union Summit where credit unions learn about the hottest topics affecting how they serve members of the military, a pre-conference workshop where board members can earn the prestigious NAFCU Certified Volunteer Expert (NCVE) designation and NAFCU's member-only annual business meeting. There are also tours available for guests not attending the conference sessions, and a paddleboat cruise reception along the Mississippi River.

For up-to-date coverage of NAFCU's Annual Conference, follow #NAFCUannual on Twitter. All NAFCU's 2019 conferences are open to both member and nonmember credit unions.