
September 26, 2023

CUs: Utilize award-winning compliance assistance, resources

ComplianceIn honor of National Compliance Officer Day, NAFCU is highlighting the various educational offerings, compliance assistance, and resources available for credit union compliance professionals.


NAFCU has three comprehensive events for compliance professionals currently available on-demand:

In addition, the association kicks off its Regulatory Compliance and BSA Seminar today in Savannah, Ga., and virtually. Attendees will strengthen their overall compliance and Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) knowledge and hear the latest on evolving regulatory trends and hot topics. NAFCU Certified Compliance Officers (NCCOs) and NAFCU Certified Bank Secrecy Officers (NCBSOs) will also have the opportunity to recertify.


NAFCU members have direct access to the association’s regulatory compliance team. The team strives to answer compliance issues within one business day, and often responds much faster. Contact the NAFCU Compliance Team today; team members solve over 6,000 compliance questions every year from member credit unions!


The NAFCU Compliance Team also provides credit unions with several weekly, monthly, and quarterly resources, including:

Credit unions are encouraged to check out the compliance calendar to view the latest credit union regulatory compliance requirement deadlines.